Saturday, August 04, 2007

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen..blah blah

Soooo...I began a knitting frenzy during my last months at DHS, making copious amounts of scarves and even the occasional blanket. When I got to Mass and realized that I was going to have more time on my hands, I decided to tackle clothing for my child. I made a 6 month version of this sweater first, as a gift...then thought it would look good on Henry. Unfortunately, my darling husband made the following statement as I put the sweater over Henry's head for the first time..."Are you joining the Von Trapp Family Singers Henry?" Ahhh...the sweet smell of success. I couldn't stop laughing, and of course, Henry wouldn't take it off...He's very proud of his German Heritage...too bad those VonTrapps were Austrian, eh?

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1 comment:

laurie said...

VonTrapps or not, the sweater is cute, cute, cute and you now clearly KILL ME in the knitting department!