Our cousin, Lisa, who is my director in Mary Kay just earned her car. Henry and I got to take she and Max to pick it up, it was very exciting!
Henry and his cousin Max (Lisa and Cory's baby) they are exactly 3 weeks apart. We were picking up Lisa's new car that she earned through Mary Kay
Henry is such a good baby. He loves his baths now.
A group of my friends from work participated in the Race for the Cure, which is a fundraising walk/run for breastcancer. There were over 45,000 participants this year, making Portland's race the biggest on the West Coast. It was my first real exercise venture since Henry was born.
Here's another picture of Henry at 6 weeks
This is Henry at 6 weeks...I had some technical difficulties that week
Aunt Sherri came by while she was in town...can't blame her, he's pretty irresistable!
Henry is really learning to smile now, and I keep trying to catch it on camera...he's getting SO big!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Henry's first trip to a record store...we got the new GreenDay album, and he's been rocking out to it at home :)
Henry is finally becoming interested in his mobile. He changes so much everyday.
Henry asleep in his crib with Blue Boy...a doll that Jared's great-Aunt Agnes made for him when he was a baby.
I guess this one's better of Henry
Out first family photo
this is out of order, but i didn't originally have a photo of my mom with henry at the hospital, and had to get it from my sister.
henry and jared...he loves sleeping with his dad
henry and i again...he's always hungry when i hold him, so his mouth's open in almost every picture with me:)
henry and i...he's getting more fascinated with faces, and has begun to smile.
He's getting so big...he likes being on his own a little more now
Henry at 5 weeks...he's becoming very alert!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Henry likes to lay with a pacifier in his cheek. It's pretty cute. He's almost exactly one month old in this picture.
We went to Hood River for Labor Day Weekend in order to spend some time with my sister, and to celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday...Celeste wanted to make sure that we remembered that she's a baby too when she grabbed Henry's pacifier and got into her doll's cradle. She's very gentle with Henry, and it's fun to watch them together.
Blowing out his candles...60 years came awefully fast!
My dad opened his presents while Celeste look on eagerly, hoping that there was something in them for her.
Granny and Henry
papa and henry
Manuel and Henry
henry at 4 weeks...his poor little face is all broken out with baby acne and heat rash
jared and sherri ran the hood to coast relay...the largest relay race in the world. 1000 teams of 12 run from Mount Hood to Seaside, OR